letoto la laboratori

  • SC300UVNO3 Portable NO3-N Analyzer

    SC300UVNO3 Portable NO3-N Analyzer

    Sesebelisoa sena se nkehang sa khase se lemoha khatello ea khase moeeng ka mokhoa oa ho hula pompo, se tla etsa hore ho utloahale, ho bonahale, ho thothomele ha mahloriso a khase a feta alamo e behiloeng esale pele. , pampiri, meriana, meriana, lijo, corrosion 2.Disinfection, menontsha ea lik'hemik'hale, li-resin, li-adhesives le chefo e bolaeang likokoanyana, lisebelisoa tse tala, lisampole, limela le limela tsa ho ikatisa, limela tsa ho hloekisa litšila, libaka tsa perm , temo ea sethopo, polokelo le thepa,brewing fermentation, tlhahiso ea temo
  • SC300UVNO2 Sehlahlobi se nkehang sa NO2-N

    SC300UVNO2 Sehlahlobi se nkehang sa NO2-N

    Sesebelisoa sena se nkehang sa khase se lemoha khatello ea khase moeeng ka mokhoa oa ho hula pompo, se tla etsa hore ho utloahale, ho bonahale, ho thothomele ha mahloriso a khase a feta alamo e behiloeng esale pele. , pampiri, meriana, meriana, lijo, corrosion 2.Disinfection, menontsha ea lik'hemik'hale, li-resin, li-adhesives le chefo e bolaeang likokoanyana, lisebelisoa tse tala, lisampole, limela le limela tsa ho ikatisa, limela tsa ho hloekisa litšila, libaka tsa perm , temo ea sethopo, polokelo le thepa,brewing fermentation, tlhahiso ea temo
  • SC300LDO Portable DO Meter Ph/ec/tds mitha

    SC300LDO Portable DO Meter Ph/ec/tds mitha

    Teko e phahameng e qhibilihisitsoeng ea oksijene e na le melemo e mengata mafapheng a fapaneng a kang metsi a litšila, aquaculture le fermentation, joalo-joalo. Ts'ebetso e bonolo, mesebetsi e matla, litekanyo tse felletseng tsa ho lekanya, mefuta e mengata ea litekanyo; senotlolo se le seng sa ho lekanya le ho tsebahatsa othomathike ho phethela tšebetso ea tokiso; segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo se hlakileng le se balwang, tshebetso e ntle haholo ya kgahlano le tšitiso, tekanyo e nepahetseng, e bonolo
    ts'ebetso, e kopantsoeng le khanya e phahameng ea mabone a morao; Metara ea oksijene e qhibilihisitsoeng e sebelisoa haholo ho bona bongata ba oksijene e qhibilihileng metsing. E sebelisoa haholo ho hlahloba boleng ba metsi, ho hlahloba tikoloho ea metsi, ho tšoasa litlhapi, ho laola metsi a likhoerekhoere le metsi a litšila, tlhahlobo ea laboratori ea BOD (tlhokeho ea oksijene ea likokoana-hloko) le likarolo tse ling.
  • DO500 Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter

    DO500 Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter

    Teko e phahameng e qhibilihisitsoeng ea oksijene e na le melemo e mengata mafapheng a fapaneng a kang metsi a litšila, aquaculture le fermentation, joalo-joalo. Ts'ebetso e bonolo, mesebetsi e matla, litekanyo tse felletseng tsa ho lekanya, mefuta e mengata ea litekanyo; senotlolo se le seng sa ho lekanya le ho tsebahatsa othomathike ho phethela tšebetso ea tokiso; segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo se hlakileng le se balwang, tshebetso e ntle haholo ya kgahlano le tšitiso, tekanyo e nepahetseng, e bonolo
    ts'ebetso, e kopantsoeng le mabone a khanya a phahameng; Moralo o khuts'oane le o tsotehang, ho boloka sebaka, ho nepahala ho nepahetseng, ts'ebetso e bonolo e tla le lebone le phahameng le khanyang. DO500 ke khetho ea hau e ntle bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse tloaelehileng lilaboratoring, limela tsa tlhahiso le likolong.
  • DO500 E qhibilihisitsoeng Oxygen Meter

    DO500 E qhibilihisitsoeng Oxygen Meter

    Teko e phahameng e qhibilihisitsoeng ea oksijene e na le melemo e mengata mafapheng a fapaneng a kang metsi a litšila, aquaculture le fermentation, joalo-joalo.
    Ts'ebetso e bonolo, mesebetsi e matla, litekanyo tse felletseng tsa ho lekanya, mefuta e mengata ea litekanyo;
    senotlolo se le seng sa ho lekanya le ho tsebahatsa othomathike ho phethela tšebetso ea tokiso; sebopeho sa ponts'o se hlakileng le se baloang, ts'ebetso e ntle haholo ea ho thibela tšitiso, tekanyo e nepahetseng, ts'ebetso e bonolo, e kopantsoeng le khanya e phahameng ea mabone a morao;
    Moralo o mokhuts'oane le o majabajaba, ho boloka sebaka, ho nepahala ho hoholo, ts'ebetso e bonolo e tla le khanya e phahameng ea morao. DO500 ke khetho ea hau e ntle bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse tloaelehileng lilaboratoring, limela tse hlahisoang le likolong.
  • CH200 Portable chlorophyll analyzer

    CH200 Portable chlorophyll analyzer

    Portable chlorophyll analyzer is composed of portable host and portable chlorophyll sensor.Chlorophyll sensor is using leaf pigment absorption peaks in spectra and emission tlhoro ea thepa, in the spectrum of chlorophyll absorption peak emission monochromatic light exposure to water, the chlorobsorption matla a khanya le ho lokolla khanya e 'ngoe ea tlhōrō ea khanya ea monochromatic, chlorophyll, matla a tlhahiso a lekana le litaba tsa chlorophyll metsing.
  • CH200 Mocheso Mongobo oa Nitrogen o nkehang oa chlorophyll analyzer

    CH200 Mocheso Mongobo oa Nitrogen o nkehang oa chlorophyll analyzer

    Portable chlorophyll analyzer is composed of portable host and portable chlorophyll sensor.Chlorophyll sensor is using leaf pigment absorption peaks in spectra and emission tlhoro ea thepa, in the spectrum of chlorophyll absorption peak emission monochromatic light exposure to water, the chlorobsorption matla a khanya le ho lokolla khanya e 'ngoe ea tlhōrō ea khanya ea monochromatic, chlorophyll, matla a tlhahiso a lekana le litaba tsa chlorophyll metsing.
  • CH200 Portable chlorophyll analyzer

    CH200 Portable chlorophyll analyzer

    Portable chlorophyll analyzer is composed of portable host and portable chlorophyll sensor.Chlorophyll sensor is using leaf pigment absorption peaks in spectra and emission tlhoro ea thepa, in the spectrum of chlorophyll absorption peak emission monochromatic light exposure to water, the chlorobsorption matla a khanya le ho lokolla khanya e 'ngoe ea tlhōrō ea khanya ea monochromatic, chlorophyll, matla a tlhahiso a lekana le litaba tsa chlorophyll metsing.
  • TUS200 Sewage Treatment Portable Turbidity Tester Monitor Analyzer

    TUS200 Sewage Treatment Portable Turbidity Tester Monitor Analyzer

    Portable turbidity tester e ka sebelisoa haholo mafapheng a ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, metsi a pompo, likhoerekhoere, phepelo ea metsi a masepala, metsi a liindasteri, likolecheng tsa mmuso le liunivesithi, indasteri ea meriana, taolo ea bophelo bo botle le mafu le mafapha a mang a boikemisetso ba turbidity, eseng feela bakeng sa tšimo. le tlhahlobo ea tšohanyetso ea boleng ba metsi setšeng, empa hape le bakeng sa tlhahlobo ea boleng ba metsi ka laboratoring.
  • TUS200 Portable Turbidity Tester

    TUS200 Portable Turbidity Tester

    Portable turbidity tester e ka sebelisoa haholo mafapheng a ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, metsi a pompo, likhoerekhoere, phepelo ea metsi a masepala, metsi a liindasteri, likolecheng tsa mmuso le liunivesithi, indasteri ea meriana, taolo ea bophelo bo botle le mafu le mafapha a mang a boikemisetso ba turbidity, eseng feela bakeng sa tšimo. le tlhahlobo ea tšohanyetso ea boleng ba metsi setšeng, empa hape le bakeng sa tlhahlobo ea boleng ba metsi ka laboratoring.
  • BA200 Digital Blue-green Algae Sensor Probe ka Metsing

    BA200 Digital Blue-green Algae Sensor Probe ka Metsing

    The portable blue-green algae analyzer e entsoe ka moamoheli o nkehang le sensor e nkehang ea algae e boputsoa bo botala. Ka ho nka monyetla ka tšobotsi ea hore li-cyanobacteria li na le tlhoro ea ho monya le tlhoro ea tlhahiso ka bongata, li hlahisa leseli la monochromatic la bolelele bo itseng ba maqhubu metsing. Li-cyanobacteria tse metsing li monya matla a lebone la monochromatic ebe li lokolla leseli la monochromatic la wavelength e 'ngoe. Matla a khanya a hlahisoang ke bolele bo botala bo boputsoa bo lekana le litaba tsa cyanobacteria ka metsing.
  • Pocket High Precision Handheld Pen Type Digital pH Meter PH30

    Pocket High Precision Handheld Pen Type Digital pH Meter PH30

    Sehlahisoa se etselitsoeng tlhahlobo ka ho khetheha bakeng sa ho hlahloba boleng ba pH eo ka eona u ka lekang habonolo le ho fumana boleng ba acid-base ea ntho e lekiloeng. pH30 meter e boetse e bitsoa acidometer, ke sesebelisoa se lekanyang boleng ba pH mokelikeli, se neng se sebelisoa haholo lits'ebetsong tsa tlhahlobo ea boleng ba metsi. Metha e nkehang ea pH e ka leka acid-base ka metsing, e sebelisoang libakeng tse ngata joalo ka temo ea metsing, kalafo ea metsi, tlhahlobo ea tikoloho, taolo ea noka joalo-joalo. E nepahetse ebile e tsitsitse, e na le chelete ebile e bonolo ho e hlokomela, pH30 e u tlisetsa boiketlo bo eketsehileng, theha boiphihlelo bo bocha ba kopo ea acid-base.
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