E nkehang

  • CH200 Portable chlorophyll analyzer

    CH200 Portable chlorophyll analyzer

    Portable chlorophyll analyzer is composed of portable host and portable chlorophyll sensor.Chlorophyll sensor is using leaf pigment absorption peaks in spectra and emission tlhoro ea thepa, in the spectrum of chlorophyll absorption peak emission monochromatic light exposure to water, the chlorobsorption matla a khanya le ho lokolla khanya e 'ngoe ea tlhōrō ea khanya ea monochromatic, chlorophyll, matla a tlhahiso a lekana le litaba tsa chlorophyll metsing.
  • CH200 Mocheso Mongobo oa Nitrogen o nkehang oa chlorophyll analyzer

    CH200 Mocheso Mongobo oa Nitrogen o nkehang oa chlorophyll analyzer

    Portable chlorophyll analyzer is composed of portable host and portable chlorophyll sensor.Chlorophyll sensor is using leaf pigment absorption peaks in spectra and emission tlhoro ea thepa, in the spectrum of chlorophyll absorption peak emission monochromatic light exposure to water, the chlorobsorption matla a khanya le ho lokolla khanya e 'ngoe ea tlhōrō ea khanya ea monochromatic, chlorophyll, matla a tlhahiso a lekana le litaba tsa chlorophyll metsing.
  • CH200 Portable chlorophyll analyzer

    CH200 Portable chlorophyll analyzer

    Portable chlorophyll analyzer is composed of portable host and portable chlorophyll sensor.Chlorophyll sensor is using leaf pigment absorption peaks in spectra and emission tlhoro ea thepa, in the spectrum of chlorophyll absorption peak emission monochromatic light exposure to water, the chlorobsorption matla a khanya le ho lokolla khanya e 'ngoe ea tlhōrō ea khanya ea monochromatic, chlorophyll, matla a tlhahiso a lekana le litaba tsa chlorophyll metsing.
  • TUS200 Sewage Treatment Portable Turbidity Tester Monitor Analyzer

    TUS200 Sewage Treatment Portable Turbidity Tester Monitor Analyzer

    Portable turbidity tester e ka sebelisoa haholo mafapheng a ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, metsi a pompo, likhoerekhoere, phepelo ea metsi a masepala, metsi a liindasteri, likolecheng tsa mmuso le liunivesithi, indasteri ea meriana, taolo ea bophelo bo botle le mafu le mafapha a mang a boikemisetso ba turbidity, eseng feela bakeng sa tšimo. le tlhahlobo ea tšohanyetso ea boleng ba metsi setšeng, empa hape le bakeng sa tlhahlobo ea boleng ba metsi ka laboratoring.
  • TUS200 Portable Turbidity Tester

    TUS200 Portable Turbidity Tester

    Portable turbidity tester e ka sebelisoa haholo mafapheng a ts'ireletso ea tikoloho, metsi a pompo, likhoerekhoere, phepelo ea metsi a masepala, metsi a liindasteri, likolecheng tsa mmuso le liunivesithi, indasteri ea meriana, taolo ea bophelo bo botle le mafu le mafapha a mang a boikemisetso ba turbidity, eseng feela bakeng sa tšimo. le tlhahlobo ea tšohanyetso ea boleng ba metsi setšeng, empa hape le bakeng sa tlhahlobo ea boleng ba metsi ka laboratoring.
  • BA200 Digital Blue-green Algae Sensor Probe ka Metsing

    BA200 Digital Blue-green Algae Sensor Probe ka Metsing

    The portable blue-green algae analyzer e entsoe ka moamoheli o nkehang le sensor e nkehang ea algae e boputsoa bo botala. Ka ho nka monyetla ka tšobotsi ea hore li-cyanobacteria li na le tlhoro ea ho monya le tlhoro ea tlhahiso ka bongata, li hlahisa leseli la monochromatic la bolelele bo itseng ba maqhubu metsing. Li-cyanobacteria tse metsing li monya matla a lebone la monochromatic ebe li lokolla leseli la monochromatic la wavelength e 'ngoe. Matla a khanya a hlahisoang ke bolele bo botala bo boputsoa bo lekana le litaba tsa cyanobacteria ka metsing.
  • Portable Conductivity/TDS/Salinity Meter Qhobohile Oxygen Tester CON200

    Portable Conductivity/TDS/Salinity Meter Qhobohile Oxygen Tester CON200

    CON200 handheld conductivity tester e etselitsoe ka ho khetheha tlhahlobo ea liparamente tse ngata, e fana ka tharollo ea sebaka se le seng bakeng sa conductivity, TDS, salinity le tlhahlobo ea mocheso. Lihlahisoa tsa letoto la CON200 tse nang le mohopolo o nepahetseng le o sebetsang oa moralo; ts'ebetso e bonolo, mesebetsi e matla, litekanyo tse felletseng tsa ho lekanya, mefuta e mengata ea litekanyo; Senotlolo se le seng sa ho lekanya le ho tsebahatsa ka boiketsetso ho phethela tšebetso ea tokiso; sebopeho sa ponts'o se hlakileng le se baloang, ts'ebetso e ntle haholo ea ho thibela tšitiso, tekanyo e nepahetseng, ts'ebetso e bonolo, e kopantsoeng le khanya e phahameng ea mabone a morao;
  • CON200 Portable Conductivity/TDS/Salinity Meter

    CON200 Portable Conductivity/TDS/Salinity Meter

    CON200 handheld conductivity tester e etselitsoe ka ho khetheha tlhahlobo ea liparamente tse ngata, e fana ka tharollo ea sebaka se le seng bakeng sa conductivity, TDS, salinity le tlhahlobo ea mocheso. Lihlahisoa tsa letoto la CON200 tse nang le mohopolo o nepahetseng le o sebetsang oa moralo; ts'ebetso e bonolo, mesebetsi e matla, litekanyo tse felletseng tsa ho lekanya, mefuta e mengata ea litekanyo;
  • TSS200 Portable Handheld Digital E Spended Solid Meter TSS Meter Turbidity

    TSS200 Portable Handheld Digital E Spended Solid Meter TSS Meter Turbidity

    Lintho tse tiileng tse emisitsoeng li bolela lintho tse tiileng tse fanyehiloeng ka metsing, ho akarelletsa le inorganic, manyolo le lehlabathe la letsopa, letsopa, likokoana-hloko, joalo-joalo. Likahare tse emisitsoeng ka metsing ke e 'ngoe ea li-index tsa ho lekanya tekanyo ea tšilafalo ea metsi.
  • TSS200 Portable Suspended Solids Analyzer

    TSS200 Portable Suspended Solids Analyzer

    Lintho tse tiileng tse emisitsoeng li bolela lintho tse tiileng tse fanyehiloeng ka metsing, ho akarelletsa le inorganic, manyolo le lehlabathe la letsopa, letsopa, likokoana-hloko, joalo-joalo. Likahare tse emisitsoeng ka metsing ke e 'ngoe ea li-index tsa ho lekanya tekanyo ea tšilafalo ea metsi.
  • Handheld Digital pH/ORP/Ion/ Themperature Meter High Precision Portable Meter PH200

    Handheld Digital pH/ORP/Ion/ Themperature Meter High Precision Portable Meter PH200

    Lihlahisoa tsa letoto la PH200 tse nang le mohopolo o hlakileng le o sebetsang oa moralo;
    Ts'ebetso e bonolo, mesebetsi e matla, litekanyo tse felletseng tsa ho lekanya, mefuta e mengata ea litekanyo;
    Lisete tse 'ne tse nang le lintlha tse 11 tsa mokelikeli o tloaelehileng, senotlolo se le seng sa ho lekanya le ho tsebahatsa othomathike ho phethela tšebetso ea tokiso;
    Sebopeho sa ponts'o se hlakileng le se baloang, ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho thibela ho kena-kenana le ts'ebetso, tekanyo e nepahetseng, ts'ebetso e bonolo, e kopantsoeng le khanya e phahameng ea mabone a morao;
    PH200 ke sesebelisoa sa hau sa tlhahlobo sa profeshenale le molekane ea tšepahalang bakeng sa lilaboratori, lithupelo le likolo mosebetsing oa ho metha letsatsi le letsatsi.
  • Portable Laboratory Turbidity MLSS Analyzer Sensor Analyzer Meter DO200

    Portable Laboratory Turbidity MLSS Analyzer Sensor Analyzer Meter DO200

    Teko e phahameng e qhibilihisitsoeng ea oksijene e na le melemo e mengata mafapheng a fapaneng a kang metsi a litšila, aquaculture le fermentation, joalo-joalo. Ts'ebetso e bonolo, mesebetsi e matla, litekanyo tse felletseng tsa ho lekanya, mefuta e mengata ea litekanyo; senotlolo se le seng sa ho lekanya le ho tsebahatsa othomathike ho phethela tšebetso ea tokiso; sebopeho sa ponts'o se hlakileng le se baloang, ts'ebetso e ntle haholo ea ho thibela tšitiso, tekanyo e nepahetseng, ts'ebetso e bonolo, e kopantsoeng le mabone a khanyang a morao-rao; DO200 ke sesebelisoa sa hau sa tlhahlobo sa setsebi le molekane ea tšepahalang bakeng sa lilaboratori, lithupelo le likolo mosebetsi oa ho lekanya letsatsi le letsatsi.
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